
Introducing the PERN Affiliate Hospital Program  (more)

Pediatric Emergency Research Network (PERN) has recently approved a process for hospitals outside of our current networks to join PERN as an Affiliate Hospital, even if the Hospital is not part of an established multi-center research network.

Criteria for Affiliate Hospitals include:

    1. Hospital based in country outside of established PERN networks 
    2. Paediatric emergency care department
    3. Previous experience in research (1 publication)
  1.  -OR-

1. Involvement with a PERN project within 5 years

What happens with Affiliate hospitals?

Will be invited to yearly face-to-face PERN meetings

Will be assigned a sponsor/mentor/contact PERN network based on affiliate hospital’s needs, location, and PERN member network resources

Posted: December 06, 2022 by Greg Van de Mosselaer
