Welcome to ManitobaCPD.com

Now More about this site (ManitobaCPD.com) ..

This site ...

Apart from the hosting of conference registration systems, we do not manage simple event CPD coordination presently in the Manitoba region. We are happy to help EBD CPD providers who do get their message out but we encourage you, where possible, to use cpd-umanitoba.com.

Featured CPD Provider

Adding Resource Search to freestanding websites

We have brought resources search interface to the website we run off of ManitobaCPD.com and SGFP.ca. See
https://www.primarycarenetwork-mh.ca/resources to try it out.


ManitobaCPD.com has changed its approach to account creation

We have altered our account creation methodology to align with the other installations of this technology. This is to reduce the risk of duplicate profiles and to better manage the verification of ...



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