Learning Activity: Consent, Capacity and Refusal of Care - Pretest

Learning Activity: Consent, Capacity and Refusal of Care - Pretest


Team: Clinical Ethics in Emergency Medicine
Posted on March 19, 2015


Learning Activity: Consent, Capacity and Refusal of Care - Pretest

Team: Clinical Ethics in Emergency Medicine

Date: This is not a timed event.


Consent, Capacity and Refusal of Care - Pretest


1) What are the elements of an informed consent?


2) What are the potential legal consequences of proceeding with an investigation or intervention without a patient's consent?


3) What is the bioethical principle that serves as the foundation for the concept of informed consent?


4) What are the elements of decision-making capacity?


5) How do you decide which risks to discuss with a patient when obtaining informed consent?


6) What factors must be present for a physician to proceed with treatment under the emergency exception to consent?


7) At what age is a paediatric patient allowed to make a medical treatment decision for themselves?

